In Lincoln City, some inhabitants have extraordinary abilities. Most live below the poverty line, under the close surveillance of a heavily militarized police force. Connor, a construction worker with powers, involves with a criminal gang to help his ailing mother. (Based on the short film “Code 8,” 2016.)
Diposting pada:
Tagline:Fear is the most dangerous power
Kualitas: HD
Tahun: 2019
Durasi: 99 Min
Pendapatan:$ 157.209,00
Direksi:Jeff Chan
Pemain:Aaron Abrams, Alex Mallari Jr., Attila Sebesy, Casey Hudecki, Charlie Riina, Chris Handfield, Christine Pagulayan, Dane Bingenheimer, Darrin Baker, Derek Barnes, Eldon Hunter, Elena Khan, Emma Ho, Glenda Braganza, Greg Bryk, Heidi Matijevic, Herschel Andoh, Ho Chow, Jai Jai Jones, JaNae Armogan, Jeff Sinasac, Joe Vercillo, John MacDonald, Josh Aguirre, Kari Matchett, Karissa Strain, Kevin Claydon, Kris Pring, Kyla Kane, Lawrence Bayne, Laysla De Oliveira, Lisa Hinds, Martin Roach, Matthew Gouveia, Max Laferriere, Merwin Mondesir, Michelle Cormier, Michelle Doiron, Michelle Hill, Natalie Lisinska, Nichole Arya Lentz, Nick Ford, Nneka Elliott, Oscar A. Gonzalez, Penny Eizenga, Peter Outerbridge, Q Fortier, Robbie Amell, Sarah Hoedlmoser, Shaun Benson, Simon Northwood, Stephen Amell, Sung Kang, Vlad Alexis